WiSE women build bridges on March 19, 2021.
The Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) initiative at the Department of Computer Science (CSD), University of Crete begins its series of events with a panel of women, CSD alumni who work in research, academia, and industry. They will give a brief presentation of their work and will then discuss important events of their career, their sources of inspiration, challenges that they faced and how they tried to overcome them, and advise.
Speakers & Panelists: Dr Nelly Vouzoukidou, Prof Eva Kalyvianki, Dr Sofia Kleisarchaki, Fofy Setaki, Dr Marigianna Skouradaki, and Prof Katerina Tzompanaki.
Organizer & Panel Coordinator: Prof Maria Papadopouli.
Time: Mar 19, 2021 18:00-20:00 EET
Speakers & Panelists: Dr Nelly Vouzoukidou, Prof Eva Kalyvianki, Dr Sofia Kleisarchaki, Fofy Setaki, Dr Marigianna Skouradaki, and Prof Katerina Tzompanaki.
Organizer & Panel Coordinator: Prof Maria Papadopouli.
Time: Mar 19, 2021 18:00-20:00 EET
For speaker bios and link information, see [pdf]: