General Chairs:
Grammati Pantziou, University of West Attica
Ioanna Kantzavelou, University of West Attica
Angeliki Antoniou, University of West Attica
Poster Chair:
Vana Kalogeraki, Athens University of Economics and Business
Steering Committee:
Panagiota Fatourou, Foundation for Research and Technology - Hellas (FORTH) & University of
Maria Roussou, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Georgia Koutrika, ATHENA Research and Innovation Center
The Poster Session solicits posters from all areas of Computer Science and aims to offer the opportunity to undergraduate, graduate and PhD students as well as young researchers and professionals of any gender to engage with other researchers and professionals in the field, disseminate research work, receive comments, practice presentation skills, benefit from discussing ideas with other researchers. Submissions should present novel ideas, designs, techniques, systems, tools, evaluations, scientific investigations, methodologies, social issues or policy issues related to any area of computing. Authors may submit original work or versions of previously published work. Posters are ideal for presenting early stage research.
Important Dates
Submission Instructions
Poster abstracts are to be submitted electronically through EasyChair at Submissions should introduce the area in which the work has been done and should emphasize the importance of the contribution. All submissions must be in English, in pdf format. They must not exceed one page in length and use the interim template This one-page extended abstract must be submitted as a paper which also contains a short (one paragraph) abstract.
All submissions will be peer reviewed by the Poster Evaluation Committee. Accepted submissions will be archived on the event website (but there will be no proceedings). A submission may have one or more authors of any gender. At least one author of each accepted submission is expected to attend the summit to present the ideas discussed in the submission.
Numerous research studies point to the diverse and uneven experiences of people during these COVID times: from the impact of working from home on productivity, teaching, research, and publication rates; to the challenges managing work-home boundaries and the health and wellbeing impacts; to the loss of supportive collegial relationships and network building; and so on. Women, people with young families, and younger scholars have all been particularly impacted. In this interactive workshop we’ll draw on the ‘wisdom of the crowd’’ to explore constructive strategies moving forward - to build on lessons learnt, to address ongoing challenges, and to mitigate negative impacts of the pandemic.
Geraldine Fitzpatrick
Geraldine Fitzpatrick is Professor of Technology Design and Assessment and heads the Human Computer Interaction Group in the Informatics Faculty at TU Wien Austria. She is an ACM Distinguished Scientist, ACM Distinguished Speaker and IFIP TC-13 Pioneer Award recipient. She has a diverse background, with degrees in both Computer Science and Applied Positive Psychology/Coaching Psychology, experience working in industry as a UX consultant, and a prior background as a nurse/midwife. In all her work she takes a concern for people-led perspectives, quality of experience and developing potential. Her research is at the intersection of social and computer sciences, with a particular interest in collaboration, health and well-being, and community building. Her most recent peer service roles include general co-chair for CHI2019, papers co-chair for CSCW2018 and various international advisory boards. She also hosts the Changing Academic Life podcast series.