He will serve a two-year term from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024.
ACM has elected Yannis Ioannidis as President for a two-year term beginning July 1. https://www.acm.org/articles/bulletins/2022/may/acm-new-officers-2022
Yannis Ioannidis is a Professor of Informatics & Telecom at the University of Athens, Greece, and a Fellow of ACM and IEEE. An ACM member since 1983, he has served as ACM Secretary/Treasurer (2018–2020), SIGMOD Chair (2009–2013) and Vice-Chair (2005–2009), and as a member of the ACM Europe Council, the SIG Governing Board Executive Committee, and the ACM Publications Board. Currently he serves on the ACM Digital Library Board, is a CACM associate editor, the faculty advisor of the ACM Student Chapter of his university, and will chair the ACM Europe Council Working Group on summer schools, having organized the Council’s first three summer schools on the topic of Data Science. In 2017 he received the ACM SIGMOD Contributions Award.
Prof. Ioannidis has been a member of the Greek Chapter of the ACM-W from the very beginning, and has supported our Chapter also as the keynote speaker of the 1st Summit on Gender Equality in Computing 2019 - GEC’19 (view his speech at https://youtu.be/s6H4ivx-MdU).