Georgia Koutrika, Treasurer of the Greek ACM-W Chapter, will be a keynote speaker at ACM womENcourage 2020.

The Greek ACM-W chapter election for officers for the next 2 years was held in July.

Six Online Workshop Sessions: 15 & 29 September, 6 & 20 October, 3 & 17 November (Tuesdays), 10:00-11:30 CEST

Evaggelia Pitoura, Greek ACM-W chapter member, receives prestigious research grant from H.F.R.I.
Nominations for Greek ACM-W chapter officers by June 5, 2020.
The Call for Nominations deadline is May 30, 2020 for N2Women: Rising Stars/Stars in Computer Networking and Communications.
Minerva Informatics Equality Award 2020 Edition 'Supporting the transition of female PhD and postdoctoral researchers into faculty positions' Call for Submissions Still Open - Deadline: 1 June 2020.

GEC 2020 will be held online on Friday June 12, 2020. Stay tuned!

The Greek ACM-W Chapter co-organized the lecture Dynamics of Gender Bias in Computing by Thomas Misa.
The Expression of Interest to host the 2nd Summit on Gender Equality in Computing (GEC 2020) is open! Send your application by March 16, 2020.