The Gender Gap in Science project, funded by the International Council for Science (ICSU), is conducting a survey about the situation of scientists and mathematicians worldwide, as well as focused information about women in these fields:
The project A Global Approach to the Gender Gap in Mathematical, Computing, and Natural Sciences is collecting data to develop a broader picture of the status of mathematicians and scientists across the world. The results of this survey will provide data about the situation of scientists and mathematicians worldwide, as well as focused information about women in these fields. The data that you contribute will help inform interventions by ICSU and member unions to increase participation, especially for women.
It is important that the Computer Science community have a strong representation in the global survey. The goal is to collect responses from 45,000 scientists worldwide. Participation is not limited by gender and all undergraduate students, graduate students and professionals who have worked in computing are encouraged to respond. The survey will take approximately 15 minutes of your time to complete and can be accessed in one of seven languages, by visiting
Please encourage your colleagues and peers to do the same.