GEC 2022 is over; we are grateful for the inspiring discussions and joyful moments we shared together. Thank you!

Membership to the prestigious Academy follows a rigorous peer review selection process.

A prestigious International Journal on Very Large Data Bases.

He will serve a two-year term from July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2024.

The Greek ACM-W chapter Chair and her colleagues awarded by the leading international conference in ​​parallel programming.

Poster Abstract Due: May 9th, 2022. Summit in Thessaloniki, Greece on June 16-17, 2022

Evaggelia Pitoura (one of the founding members of the Greek ACM-W chapter) delivered the Diversity and Inclusion talk at EDBT 2022, the premium European conference in data management.  

The 3rd Management Committee meeting of the Cost Action EUGAIN (European Network for Gender Balance in Informatics) is taking place online, on March 08, 2022.

Call for Posters:, submission deadline May 2, 2022. Thessaloniki, Greece, June 16-17, 2022

Join us on the Greek ACM-W YouTube channel to watch the Greek ACM-W Winter School live.

Professor Maria Papadopouli, one of the founders of the Greek ACM-W Chapter, listed in N2Women.