Virtual Conference on 11 – 12 February 2021, reporting on the contribution of the H2020 ACT project to advance gender equality in research and innovation in the EU

The purpose of the 2nd ACT International Synergy Conference is to report on the contribution of the H2020 ACT project to advance gender equality in research and innovation in the EU. The approach developed by ACT is based on the concept of Community of Practice (CoP). ACT created, developed and supported eight CoPs, as well as a range of tools to help CoPs operate at institutional, inter-institutional, and EU-wide levels, and keep advancing best practice for gender equality in R&I.

The ACT Consortium invites to the Conference science and innovation leaders, decision-makers, researchers and practitioners ready to collaborate, co-create and co-produce gender equality in R&I.

More information:

Also, see the programme for the forthcoming (virtual) 21st Gender Summit on 14-16 April 2021 at